İleri prostat kanseri tedavisi ilacı klinik çalışmalarda dikkat çekti. (İng)


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Advanced Prostate Cancer Drug Dazzles In Trials

Posted by Paul Fiddian – Pharmaceutical International’s Lead Reporter on 16/08/2012

An experimental advanced prostate cancer treatment drug has shown under trial conditions that it can offer five more months of life.

The Phase 3 enzalutamide trial involved almost 1,200 post-chemo male patients, all of them with advanced prostate cancer.

Approximately two-thirds were given this drug, while the remainder were prescribed with a placebo. This allowed enzalutamide’s results to be viewed in context, with the placebo patients acting as a control group.

The researchers found that enzalutamide produced an average life extension of five months and that it boosted overall survival rates by 37 per cent. However, it did also produce side effects, most severely seizures.

Prostate Cancer Drug Trial

Even then, so positive were the results that this prostate cancer drug trials actually finished ahead of time, so that all participating patients got the chance to try it for themselves. Based on these results, the desire’s now there for enzalutamide to be tested on early-stage prostate cancer patients as well, to see if it can prove even more effective.

Enzalutamide is a hormonal therapy developed for male prostate cancer patients on whom other therapies have not been effective.

Following on from these final clinical trials, it’s now widely expected that enzalutamide will win the approval of the US Food And Drug Administration. Once that approval’s been given, the drug can start to be prescribed to the patients that need it.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Drug

“Effective treatments for men in the final stages of the disease have been lacking for far too long”, Prostate Cancer UK’s Doctor Kate Holmes explained in a statement on the new advanced prostate cancer drug. “Should this drug go on to be licensed, it could provide a welcome addition to the available treatments for men with this form of the disease.”

“What we’re seeing now is an unprecedented period of success for prostate cancer research, with four new drugs shown to extend life in major clinical trials in just two years, and several others showing promise”, added Professor Alan Ashworth from the Institute of Cancer Research. “It truly is a golden age for prostate cancer drug discovery and development”