Viyana Klinik Araştırmalar Okulu finansal sorunlar nedeniyle operasyonlarını durdurduğunu açıkladı.


Viyana Klinik Araştırmalar Okulu finansal sorunlar nedeniyle Ocak 2013’ten itibaren operasyonlarını durdurduğunu açıkladı. Açıklama Prof. Dr. Heinrich Klech tarafından yapıldı.


Dear VSCR Friends, Speakers, Participants & Partners,
Unfortunately, for the VSCR the new year did not start positive. In the name of the President and CEO of the VSCR, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinrich Klech, I am very sorry to inform you, that as of January 11th, 2013, insolvency proceedings have been opened regarding the VSCR due to an unexpected decline of a major sponsor to further support VSCR. This step was necessary not to further extend our debt overload. After careful evaluation, the insolvency administrator decided, that the VSCR can no longer proceed its business in a cost-covering manner and will therefore close down all operations by the end of January 2013.
This means that no further VSCR trainings can be delivered in 2013 and VSCR will close down its business by 31 January 2013.
Possible claims which have arisen before the opening of the insolvency proceedings have to be lodged with the “Handelsgericht Wien” until February 26th, 2013 at the latest, mentioning the file number of the case (4 S 8/13y) and attaching all necessary documents such as a contract or an invoice which prove the existence of the claim.
For any further questions, please contact the insolvency administrator:  ABEL & ABEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH / Mag. Norbert Abel (attn. Dr. Siegfried Zachhuber, LL.M. (Rechtsanwalt / Attorney at Law)) /  FN 273734 a / Stubenring 18, A-1010 Wien / Tel.: +43 1 533 52 72 / Fax: +43 1 533 52 72 15 / mailto: /
In the name of the whole VSCR- Team I can assure you, that we all did our utmost to avoid this situation. We have been in discussions with very promising sponsors in order to close the budget gap we were facing in the last year. We could achieve part-successes but unfortunately, the saving financial-aid failed to appear.
In the name of the whole VSCR-Team, I would like to thank you for your loyalty, your commitment and the great collaboration. Thanks to your support and competence, the VSCR could successfully follow its Mission and Vision during the last 12 years and became a renowned centre of competence in the Life-Science sector.
Heinrich Klech & Team
Vienna School of Clinical Research